
Warehousing & Distribution

Full service warehousing and distribution solutions with flexibility to serve nearly any industry. Learn how we can cut costs and make your supply chain more efficient! We work with apparel, automotive, plastics, recreation, and manufacturing industries – Did we mention we’re an ISO 9001:2015 accredited facility and we have federal shipping rates?

CARF Accreditation Logo

Our Supply Chain Solutions Division Gives Companies a Way To Increase Profits While Giving Back To Their Community.

It is a long established fact that community involvement leads to business growth. When businesses partner with Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan not only are they going to see significant savings and unlimited growth opportunities, they are also providing opportunities for people that have barriers to entry (lack of skills, no employment history, legal history, etc). This is in addition to the services Goodwill provides people within our communities. 

A Great Option For Start Up's


Whether things are shipped to us in bulk and they need to be put into individual packages or they need to be repackaged, we can build your product with your boxes/containers.

Shipping and Distribution

Getting cost effective shipping rates is an important aspect of any business. We'll make sure products get to their destination safe and on time!

Cardboard Boxes

Very few distribution services have access to corrugated cardboard. This means you have another service available when you're ready for custom made cardboard boxes!

Benefits of Our Fulfillment Services

Online Business Fulfillment

We can store products in our warehouse and ship/distribute orders as they are received. Focus on other aspects of your business and let us worry about fulfillment!

our team

Our team takes care of all aspects of fulfillment  and distribution, which means you don’t worry about insurance, on boarding, paper work, or drug testing!

our Equipment

We use our equipment like: packaging, tape, plastic wrapping, forklifts, semi’s, fuel, and maintenance. Most companies see a significant amount of savings 

Find out how our warehousing and distribution solutions can work for you!

Send us your questions!

Find Out How We Can Help!

We custom tailor nearly all of our business services due to the wide ranging industries we serve.

Submit your questions to our Business Services division to see how we can help your business grow!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for? ¿Para quién es este?
People who want a career in early childhood education. Personas que quieren una carrera en educación infantil.
What is it? ¿Qué es?
A career pathway with support to help you reach your long-term career goals. Una formación vocacional con apoyo para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas profesionales a largo plazo.
What is an apprenticeship? ¿Qué es un aprendizaje?
An apprenticeship pays you while you get trained for the job. Un aprendizaje le pagará mientras le capacitan para el trabajo.
When will it begin? ¿Cuándo empezará?
You can apply for this apprenticeship beginning January 2021. It is full-time. Puede aplicar para este aprendizaje a partir de enero de 2021.La posición es a tiempo completo.
If I’m offered a position where will I be employed? Si me ofrecen un puesto, ¿dónde trabajaré?
YWCA Kalamazoo Children’s Center Centro Infantil de YWCA Kalamazoo
Why is this opportunity being offered? ¿Por qué se ofrece esta oportunidad?
To have more people with credentials to work in early learning and child care programs in the neighborhood. To help create more home child care slots in the neighborhood. Tener más personas con credenciales para trabajar en programas de educación temprana y guarderías en el vecindario. Para ayudar a crear más espacios de cuidado infantil en el hogar en el vecindario.
Why should I apply? ¿Por qué debo solicitar un puesto?
You should apply if you want a career where you can make a difference in the lives of children and families in your neighborhood. Debe presentar una solicitud si desea una carrera en la que pueda marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños y las familias de su vecindario.
How can I apply? ¿Cómo puedo solicitar un puesto?
Complete this form. Complete este formulario de interés.