
Workers on Wheels

Vehicle Donations in Southwestern Michigan

Transportation is still a major barrier to getting a job for those in poverty. Our goal is to remove this barrier so those that want to work are able to. This is a step away from dependency and a step closer to self-sufficiency. The donation process is easier than you’d think!

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Transportation Barriers

Lack of transportation is a problem!

“Between 2005 and 2010, 3.5 million rural residents lost access to scheduled intercity transportation, increasing the percent of rural residents without access to intercity transportation from 7 to 11 percent.” – U.S. Bureau of Transportation

Car donations provide people with the transportation they need to become self-sufficient. When community members get to work they become less reliant on government programs. Government programs become less strained as a result. Car donations help people right here in your community! We serve Kalamazoo, Portage, Three Rivers, Sturgis, Paw Paw, South Haven, Benton Harbor, Stevensville, Allegan, and Plainwell areas.

Your Community Benefits!

Donation tips

Donating a car has many benefits, for both you and for your community. The most important tip is know who you’re donating to. Many charities put less than 50% of the money generated from donated vehicles back into their programs. Our efficiency with the process allows us to proudly put ~92% back into our programs. Here is a list of tips to remember when you donate your vehicle to us. 

01  Market value

Before you donate, make sure you research and know the fair market value of your vehicle. If you’re not sure you can visit Kelly Blue Book to get an estimated value. 

02  Take pictures

Once you have a value estimated for your donation you should take pictures of your vehicle before its donated. This adds an extra layer of protection if the IRS wants more proof.

03  Get a receipt

We always provide a receipt of donation, but if we ever forget please ask us for one. We want the car donation experience to benefit you just as much as it benefits the community you’re helping!

04  Fill Out forms

We know, forms are the least fun thing about this process. Thankfully the one form you will need is rather short. The IRS Form 8283 is 2 pages and shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes to fill out. This form ensures you can claim this as a tax deduction on itemized returns.

Why Donate Your Vehicle?

Car donations give a helping hand to those that want to work in Southwestern Michigan, Many people that want to work are unable to because they can’t get there! Workers on Wheels is taking great strides to change that. We offer our community  cars and trucks so they can get (and keep) a work. Vehicles are inspected, affordable, and more importantly, reliable. Our goal is to make sure transportation is no longer holding people back from obtaining meaningful employment. After a vehicle is sold we put that money into programs like Adult Education, Job Development, and Computer Education classes.

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Call us - 800-343-0174

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for? ¿Para quién es este?
People who want a career in early childhood education. Personas que quieren una carrera en educación infantil.
What is it? ¿Qué es?
A career pathway with support to help you reach your long-term career goals. Una formación vocacional con apoyo para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas profesionales a largo plazo.
What is an apprenticeship? ¿Qué es un aprendizaje?
An apprenticeship pays you while you get trained for the job. Un aprendizaje le pagará mientras le capacitan para el trabajo.
When will it begin? ¿Cuándo empezará?
You can apply for this apprenticeship beginning January 2021. It is full-time. Puede aplicar para este aprendizaje a partir de enero de 2021.La posición es a tiempo completo.
If I’m offered a position where will I be employed? Si me ofrecen un puesto, ¿dónde trabajaré?
YWCA Kalamazoo Children’s Center Centro Infantil de YWCA Kalamazoo
Why is this opportunity being offered? ¿Por qué se ofrece esta oportunidad?
To have more people with credentials to work in early learning and child care programs in the neighborhood. To help create more home child care slots in the neighborhood. Tener más personas con credenciales para trabajar en programas de educación temprana y guarderías en el vecindario. Para ayudar a crear más espacios de cuidado infantil en el hogar en el vecindario.
Why should I apply? ¿Por qué debo solicitar un puesto?
You should apply if you want a career where you can make a difference in the lives of children and families in your neighborhood. Debe presentar una solicitud si desea una carrera en la que pueda marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños y las familias de su vecindario.
How can I apply? ¿Cómo puedo solicitar un puesto?
Complete this form. Complete este formulario de interés.